I suppose it may depend on the source species for DNA in their wings. Would they try to migrate south? Birds would do that but the monkeys might lack that survival instinct. With any luck the monkeys might not be able to survive a Vermont winter. "Funny, but that ad would probably increase the tourism, wouldn't it? Hmm. 'Come to beautiful Vermont to see our colorful fall foliage and enjoy the scenic countryside.but make sure to wear a hat and watch out for falling monkey shit." Banacek chuckled. If our people can't locate the source of these things it's going to be a very interesting fall season. Let the shrinks or the crime scene techs determine their motivations later." Luciana nodded. "It's been my own experience that trying to figure out the mind of most lunatics is a waste of time. Winged monkeys wouldn't even make the top fifty, would it? I cleared my throat. What was the motivation?' I stared down at my cup, mulling about the many bizarre things I'd seen over the years. Somebody has to have invested serious resources to create those stupid things, but why? I can't think of a single area where winged monkeys would be economically useful. “No, of course not, but why do we always get the ridiculous ones? Who’s behind this stupidity?” "Perhaps a Frank L. “You’d prefer a Downington Blob or a two-hundred foot long tarantula? Count your blessings.” Luciana chided. With luck it'll be a quiet day so let's not go tempting Murphy, shall we? I still don't get it? Winged monkeys! Who the hell would want to invest their resources to create winged monkeys?" Banacek groused. MacGregor." "Jones the Merman? I heard he's pretty unstable." I noted "That’s why he's our last resort. And if all goes to hell we'll call in Jay Jones and Dr. If we need meta back-up then Hugo will respond until the adults get back. “Right now it's basically us and the Sarge minding the store. Besides, he can always zap the monkeys right out of the sky if it becomes necessary.” Luciana explained. He’s been trained in search and rescue and is our only available flier. That’s why all of our investigators are up there.” "If everyone's tied up in the monkey investigation, who's minding the store? I heard that even Rotunda is now up there." "Crawford is probably our most effective responder to stop this sort of problem. “But stopping the monkeys won’t help much if we can’t find the lab source and shut it down. If they spread out and can establish themselves they’ll much be more difficult to locate and root out later.” Luciana added.

Like the old Polish saying, ‘If the butterfly had teeth like the tiger, it would never make it out of the hangar’." “That and the fact that we need to stop these things immediately before they start dispersing. That's why Sullivan's so anxious to wrap this one up fast. For both groups this is a big deal, with an outside governor asking for their assistance. Those two should be able to cover any woodcraft issues. The Vermont governor also asked for the MMP to assist, so Jake Brewer and Bill Gagnon will also be joining the investigation. Don’t worry, I'm sure that they'll manage fine. The spirit's still willing but the rest of me isn't. "I'm really sorry that I'm unable to assist your folks with what's going on up in Rutland right now. A lot of the old Mystery Villains had been narcissists and more than one hero had shared that flaw. I'd dealt with his personality type all my life. Banacek was the needy type who craved constant recognition. It's not cheap but it's well worth the expense, isn't it? I'll need to increase the size of my orders now that you're here but that's not a problem." I nodded, making sure to thank him. 'It's from my personal stash, a Korean specialty that I have imported. I slowly sipped my tea, savoring the taste. Nope, I won't mind finishing out my days here. Folks who could carry their half of the conversation. All the old Mystery Men were now gone but the MMIU was the next best thing.

After years of being stuck in that retirement home in Chatham, I'd found my bliss.people I could talk to who could actually understand my life, my work, me. I was in the MMIU's parlor at Otis House with Thomas Banacek and Luciana Delabruzzi, enjoying their company.

Nobody ever said being 100 years old was going to be easy. I guess that I shouldn't complain but it seemed like half of my day was now wasted dealing with functions that once took a couple of minutes. Jason I'd just taken care of business and with any luck it'd be at least another hour before I needed the bathroom again.