Ever had your Featured Image Admin Option go missing in WordPress? Feature your resume on your LinkedIn profile. You might always get the correct image to display in a tweet when you share your links on Twitter. This typically is because LinkedIn is not finding the right information on the web page to know what image to display. If you control the content of the site that you are trying to share, you can specify an image via open graph tags that are placed in the header of.

Before pursuing any troubleshooting steps, sign out and close LinkedIn.

I would love to hear about your favorite LinkedIn Groups and why you think they are great! If you’ve explored the Featured section of your profile, you may have figured out that. Viveka von Rosen, aka THE LinkedIn ® Expert, is here to save the day! Then scroll down through the settings. LinkedIn … The Featured Image Settings are towards the bottom. You will automatically be able to upload your media from there! - The awesome featured image above is by NASA and taken from Unsplash. So you might need to clear your site or CDN’s cache. Then sign back in and check if the issue is gone. Attention screen reader users, you are in a mobile optimized view and content may not appear where you expect it to be. That said, according to the Linkedin, if the image meets the requirements, but it still does not appear in updates on LinkedIn, your website may be blocking us from pulling the image or the image may be located on a protected directory or website. So should you use it? Therefore, we are not sure why the Linkedin isn’t showing the correct image. If you are still seeing the old image after running it through the LinkedIn Post Inspector tool, then it’s most likely still cached on your website. LinkedIn currently supports the following browsers: PC: Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Safari. LinkedIn’s Featured section is part of your personal profile, not on a LinkedIn group or company page. To rearrange your featured media click the four lined icon at the right hand side of the window and drag each section up or down.
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